The Apostle Paul had this to say about Pride Month:
"I have often told you before and now say again, even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame." Philippians 3:18-19.
The 1960s were not the first bloom of sexual revolution in the United States. Without going through a tedious academic review, it's sufficient to say that the U.S. continued to liberalize its sexual practices throughout the 20th century, under the influence of numerous sources.
The results were, and have been, disastrous. Yes, some of society's past sexuality rules were absurd, or even anti-scriptural. But the movement as a whole has been motivated by a godless glorification of self-will, which inevitably led to all kinds of crimes and abuses.
We have preached sexual lawlessness for 100 years, and then we lament the horrible things that have happened because people acted on what the experts told them. This makes no sense.
"There is no God, and there are no sexual rules, so do as you please." So child sexual abuse, sexually transmitted diseases like herpes, infant-killings, AIDs deaths (from which 35 million people worldwide have died, about six times more than COVID), and all kinds of sex trafficking abound. All thanks to the message of sexual lawlessness.
This is why Christians cannot in good conscience endorse Pride Month. It represents the same '60s "free love" message that has infected, sickened, and killed millions of people.
Christians believe there is only one God, and none of us are Him. That means none of us have the right to determine sexual right or wrong. We do not determine right and wrong. We are not gods. It doesn't matter a fig if we consent to a sexual act, if the Creator God has said "yes" or "no" to certain actions. "Let God be true, and every man be found a liar" (Romans 3:4).
We call everyone away from a life of sexual lawlessness, sexual selfishness, and sexual rebellion. That kind of life never ends well. There is a way that looks and sounds and feels right to a person, but the end-result of it is death (Proverbs 14:12). If you come to Christ, will you have to give up sexual lawlessness? Yes, you will. But that's like saying that the body, in being healed, has to give up the addiction that is killing it.
"I have often told you before and now say again, even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame." Philippians 3:18-19.
The 1960s were not the first bloom of sexual revolution in the United States. Without going through a tedious academic review, it's sufficient to say that the U.S. continued to liberalize its sexual practices throughout the 20th century, under the influence of numerous sources.
The results were, and have been, disastrous. Yes, some of society's past sexuality rules were absurd, or even anti-scriptural. But the movement as a whole has been motivated by a godless glorification of self-will, which inevitably led to all kinds of crimes and abuses.
We have preached sexual lawlessness for 100 years, and then we lament the horrible things that have happened because people acted on what the experts told them. This makes no sense.
"There is no God, and there are no sexual rules, so do as you please." So child sexual abuse, sexually transmitted diseases like herpes, infant-killings, AIDs deaths (from which 35 million people worldwide have died, about six times more than COVID), and all kinds of sex trafficking abound. All thanks to the message of sexual lawlessness.
This is why Christians cannot in good conscience endorse Pride Month. It represents the same '60s "free love" message that has infected, sickened, and killed millions of people.
Christians believe there is only one God, and none of us are Him. That means none of us have the right to determine sexual right or wrong. We do not determine right and wrong. We are not gods. It doesn't matter a fig if we consent to a sexual act, if the Creator God has said "yes" or "no" to certain actions. "Let God be true, and every man be found a liar" (Romans 3:4).
We call everyone away from a life of sexual lawlessness, sexual selfishness, and sexual rebellion. That kind of life never ends well. There is a way that looks and sounds and feels right to a person, but the end-result of it is death (Proverbs 14:12). If you come to Christ, will you have to give up sexual lawlessness? Yes, you will. But that's like saying that the body, in being healed, has to give up the addiction that is killing it.