Jesus of Nazareth was the eternal, uncreated Son of God! He entered our world through the virgin Mary. His death was the price He paid to God, for the sins of all.
God is perfect, and He requires perfection of us all. But no one is perfect! Our sins have built a wall between us and God. But Jesus, out of His great love for sinners, substituted Himself on the cross for us. When God raised Christ, it affirmed Jesus' divine sinlessness, and God accepted Jesus' death on behalf of all who would call on His name.
We are not saved by doing our best, keeping the 10 Commandments, taking the communion, or going through baptism. We can be justified of our sins by trusting in Jesus the Son of God, and His atoning death and physical resurrection for us.
God's forgiveness is by faith in Christ through and through!
God is perfect, and He requires perfection of us all. But no one is perfect! Our sins have built a wall between us and God. But Jesus, out of His great love for sinners, substituted Himself on the cross for us. When God raised Christ, it affirmed Jesus' divine sinlessness, and God accepted Jesus' death on behalf of all who would call on His name.
We are not saved by doing our best, keeping the 10 Commandments, taking the communion, or going through baptism. We can be justified of our sins by trusting in Jesus the Son of God, and His atoning death and physical resurrection for us.
God's forgiveness is by faith in Christ through and through!