Matthew 24:36-44.
“That day and hour” =
Which day and hour? Everything in 24:15-31? Or specifically 24:29-31?
“Nor the Son” = Does this little phrase undermine Christ’s deity?
[1] Hypostatic Union is the union of the two natures (Divine and human) in the person of Jesus.
“That day and hour” =
Which day and hour? Everything in 24:15-31? Or specifically 24:29-31?
“Nor the Son” = Does this little phrase undermine Christ’s deity?
- The phrase is in two of the oldest NT manuscripts, supported by many others, and quoted by many ancient Christian writers. Its authenticity is solid.
- It can’t undermine His deity since He calls Himself God’s Son. Jn. 10:29-33.
- This gets us into the mystery of the hypostatic union.[1]
- E.g., Jesus’ divine nature was omnipresent but His human nature was not. His human nature could get tired, but His divine nature could not.
- He also subordinated the exercise of His divine attributes to the Father, when He became a man (John 5:19).
- Jesus, being fully man, didn’t know.
- Christ says there is an analogy between Noah and this coming.
- Normal human social activities will be on-going. 24:38.
- Noah enters the ark = Christ will gather believers to safety.
- The flood = the outpouring of God’s wrath upon the world.
- It’s interesting that God inserted a seven-day period. Genesis 7:6-10. This is an interesting parallel to a pre-tribulation rapture.
- Christ introduces a new idea – an unknowable return for disciples only.
- There is a visible coming that can be known, to the day (Rev. 11:2-3, 12:6), and will be seen by the whole world.
- But Christ begins prophesying a coming that cannot be foreseen, not even by believers (24:42, 44, 25:13; Mark 13:33-35).
[1] Hypostatic Union is the union of the two natures (Divine and human) in the person of Jesus.