Matthew 24:15-28
- “Abomination of desolation” originally referred to the desecration of the temple by Greek tyrant Antiochus Epiphanes (175 B.C.), who set up a shrine to Zeus in the Holy Place and sacrificed a pig there. Daniel 11.
- A second “abomination” will happen at the end of this age (Daniel 12).
- Israel will undergo unprecedented trouble (Daniel 12:1a),
- But its suffering will end with a great divine deliverance (12:1b),
- There will be resurrections (Daniel 12:2).
- The number of days following will be 1,290 days (Daniel 12:11), which includes the 1,260 days of Revelation, plus 30. No idea why the 30 extra, we can only speculate.
- Matthew 24:15 probably is not referring to Rome’s attack in 70 A.D. because:
- In 70 A.D., the Christians left before the Romans entered. In contrast, Christ says that the disciples would see the abomination standing in the holy place, and then flee.
- Daniel said Jerusalem’s destruction by Rome would precede the desolating abomination (Daniel 9:26, 27).
- Suffering believers vulnerable to deception.
- Christ tells them to ignore all claims that He has returned. (23-26)
- His return will be public, visible, universal, unmistakable (27-28).
- You want to know where Christ is? Look for vultures. Matt. 24:28, Rev. 19:17-21.